Prepare to witness the uprise of crushing death metal act Unlocked
In January 2023, metal brothers Benny (guitar), Joost (vocals) and Roel (guitar) started Unlocked. Their debut album “Bedlamite” was released on February the 9th 2024.
With seven fresh crushing death metal songs that also incorporate elements of thrash and black metal, Unlocked is ready to be unleashed upon this sick world. Lyrically, Unlocked deals with the crazy world of 19th-century asylums, with the music fitting the lyrics perfectly.
The album received great reviews worldwide. After the release the band took the music to the stage, resulting in successful shows with bands like Macabre and Exhorder.
Work on the second album has already commenced and high-profile festival shows for 2025 are already booked!
Needless to say the future for Unlocked looks bright.
Joost Aanraad – Vocals
Roel v. Kruysdijk – Guitars
Benny Bats – Guitars
Mathijs Bodt – Bass
Kevin Paradis – Drums